When Kesh was pregnant with Roo, we used to imagine what it might be like to have him here with us. I was quietly sure that I would be a father to a son.

I remember so clearly the moments he entered this world. His journey was a wild one, lasting two nights and near on two days. Through my tears, I remember looking into Kesh's eyes and telling her 'it's a boy, it's a boy'.

'He's a boy...'

While Kesh was recovering, in the moments after delivery, Roo was placed on my bare chest. His head rested on my heart. While I struggled to comprehend what had happend, Roo lifted his head and looked into my eyes. He gazed softly but with surety, before laying his head back on my chest. 'I know you,' he was saying.

I already know my life will never be the same as it was. And it's for this change that I'm most grateful. For the little man, I hold in my arms and for the ultimate sacrifice Kesh made to bring him here.


  1. Happy first Fathers Day Tim, Roo is just divine. x

  2. OooooOOoooo I lurve the Bokeh in these pictures, like nature/glitter and diamonds all mixed together reflecting a beautiful looking family ( and im sure beautiful in every way, however I have yet to meet you all:)

  3. The pictures of you and Roo just after he was born have actually formed the conceptual basis of my uni assignment/first real attempt at a body of photographic work meant for exhibition!
    I love these pictures (and Kesh your hair looks amazing!!) and Roo is like exploding with personality, so crazy to think about where he was living only a few months ago!
    Love you guys! xo

  4. Happy Fathers Day.. I have no doubt you are one of the best x

  5. happy first fathers day Tim.

    might I add that you are looking rather dapper too. Dave and I both think so, so it must be true ;)

    xo em

  6. Such a happy, smiley boy you have. Hope you had a wonderful first Father's Day!

  7. Happy Father's Day!
    Love that photo of Roo smiling!

  8. Happy fathers day! Roo looks so cute!

  9. Happy Fathers day. Love the photo of you three. :)

  10. These are some of my favourite photos ever!

    Happy Father's Day to you and your whole family.


  11. beautiful, the light in these photographs parallel the light one feel when reading your words.
    what a lovely family you guys make, happy fathers day.

  12. Oh he is getting so big already!

  13. Happy Father's Day, Tim :) Bummer we missed meeting the little man, perhaps next year! Kate & Simon

  14. Man he is cute! Lovely family photos. Happy Fathers Day x

  15. Your First Fathers Day! Woop Woop!

  16. More than just a great photographer, quite the wordsmith too.

  17. Happy first Father's Day Tim. What a gorgeous family you have to share it with. Kesh's hair is rockin' and Roo looks adorable as ever. He's growing beautifully.

    The loveliest pictures of you all in the trees xx

  18. Nice spending of such a great day. thanks for sharing.
