About a year ago, I didn't know who Clark and Michelle were. Peeling down the South Coast of NSW late one night, after I'd shot a wedding, Kesh stared into her phone and told me that Clark was coming to stay with us…that night. That was awesome, but who the heck was this guy? You know when you've been with someone so long you assume the other knows everything about you? Well Clark is probably the only thing I didn't know about Kesh.

Clark travelled to Australia with his family when he was in high school and (not that I knew about it) but Kesh and Clark were awesome friends for a few years, before Clark headed back home.

"So his train gets in at 2am and I told him you'd get him from the station, " Kesh said.


Bleary eyed and barefoot, I stood on the platform at Kiama station when Clark and Michelle (Clarke's wife) rolled in. I liked Clark and Michelle pretty much straight away and started playing tour guide in the middle of the night as we came around the bends into Gerringong.

Kesh was ready to give birth to Roo and because of that, I'd booked myself out. That left us with a week to pretty much hang out. And that's what we did. The beach happened multiple times a day, bacon and eggs were our morning ritual and we talked, most nights, until the early morning.

I seriously didn't want them to leave. Our time in America was the same deal. Minus the beach and swap bacon and eggs for Cafe Rio and Dairy Queen. Oh yeah, and this time, it's Michelle who is ready to bring a new human into the world. A little boy is expected real soon.

All you really need to know is that these guys are our best friends and we ain't got many of them.


  1. Love your work Tim (& Kesh) just in case I haven't said it before :)

  2. They look like such a lovely couple :) What a lucky baby :)

  3. awww, love these. :) such a super sweet-looking couple.

  4. You photographed them like you knew them well also : )

  5. Magic to have found such lovely friends! Gorgeous images of them too :)

  6. Those were kind words. We are still completely in love with these pictures and we feel like the lucky ones. For sure. One of us needs to sacrifice and move closer to the other, real soon. We love you, kesh, and roo. (rhyme)

  7. lovely. the landscape, the lighting, and the couple. all perfect.

  8. Oh my goodness, that landscape! Brilliant :)

  9. :) I think the cheeky butt pinching one is my favourite!
