On May 4, I'm inviting you into my home. I've got some things I want to teach you, things I've learnt that I want to share about taking photos of people.

I'll be running a single day workshop called The Nursery, for a small group of people. We'll spend the day covering things that have helped me do what I've done in the last year:

Emotional Shooting - Why I believe connecting with your subject will help you take better photos than any camera.
Technicalities - Learning how to shoot on manual and control your exposure. F stops, shutter speeds, aperture and all the rest.
Practice - A real live shoot using your new found knowledge.
Theory - Culling, editing and workflow.
Q&A - Ask me anything. Seriously.

The Details

The Nursery will be held in Gerringong, NSW (ninety minutes south of Sydney city), starting at 10am. It's going to cost you $380 (revised costing), which includes Kesh's amazing baked goods throughout the day, lunch from the local deli, and drinks to keep you warm.

This is not a workshop for professional photographers. This is a workshop for people who love photography, own a DSLR and don't know how to use it but want to learn.

Email Kesh to reserve your seat in our dining room:


  1. Wow Tim, this sounds AH-mazing. I'd love to be a fly on the wall - you've already taught me so much in just the short conversations we had here for our family session, I can only imagine what a whole day would provide!

    1. I might be bringing The Nursery to Melbourne ;)

    2. please do, this sounds fantastic!

    3. I would love to and will come if you come to Melbourne, please do so!

    4. We're down for a melbourne work shop too!

  2. wow this would be amazing! i need to get myself a DSLR first i think...

  3. Sounds like a great idea, I'd love to come along - if only I lived on the other side of the world! Look forward to hearing all about it though.

  4. Are you sure you don't want to host it at my place?? It's not too late...

    ;) x

  5. Sounds amazing Tim. I hope the first workshop goes really well!

  6. Oh - would you ever consider doing one in Queensland??

    1. I'd be in on one in Brisbane!! Not sure how I'd afford it on Disability but I'd sure love to learn how to use my camera. You have an incredible gift Tim!!

  7. Really?! Oh - I would LOVE to be part of it.

  8. I so wanted to say YES but the logistics get in the way. absolutely keep me posted for the {possible} melbourne leg :) x

  9. i wish i could do this so bad. please come to toronto! (canada). (im half joking/half serious)!

  10. I wish you could turn this into a skype or online workshop at some point. I would pay for that in a heartbeat!

  11. What an amazing class. I am super jealous. I wish I wasn't an ocean away and a professional I want to come and take this workshop. Just because it sounds fabulous.

  12. Oh The Nursery sounds amazing but unfortunately I am on the wrong side of the world too. Maybe you could tour it worldwide and come to London? :) I would also jump at the opportunity to participate in an online workshop! I am back in Aus next year so will be keeping an eye out for any more workshops happening then.

  13. boo. I missed out! If you have any drop-outs PLEASE let me know!! Sounds fab Tim :)

  14. *sigh* oh how i wish i had enough money to fly you and kesh out to Chicago for a workshop! this sounds absolutely up my alley.

    when, if ever, you are in the states- i will be there. hands down. it's decided. :)

    have a wonderful time! x

  15. AHH!! I'm flying back out of Sydney 4 days before!! Otherwise I would have moved mountains to come to this! You take the most amazing shots and boy what I wouldn't do to be able to capture images like yours. Fancy a trip to Honkers?? ;)

  16. Count me in if you're coming to Melbourne! YEEHA!

  17. Not sure I could justify the travel costs to ben....would be there in a heartbeat if I could though! I'm with Megan- when you're in London, reserve me a seat xx

  18. new zealand?! I dont have the appropriate camera but i have friends in Wellington who do and would be interested for sure. :-)

  19. COME TO TEXAS!!!!! Pretty Pretty Please!! :)

  20. Hope today is going well! I'd love to reserve a seat, if you come to Melbourne! :)

  21. Hope this goes well for you guys. I would be very interested in a Melbourne session.

  22. Pretty Please consider coming to Hobart - you would love it and I will help get the students for you :-)

  23. will love to join you on a workshop in the future! love your work and gerrigong!

  24. I'd also love to join a Brisbane, Gold Coast or North Coast /Byron workshop!

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